Thursday, October 24, 2013

Eminem & Jackass

To me, Eminem is like a season of Jackass. Jackass is funny. They do things I've never seen and never really wanted to see and most of it is funny & entertaining. Eminem is a dope MC. He says things and puts words together like I've never heard before. He has incredible lyricism &  for the most part is entertaining. Most of the time when I watch Jackass, I think, "What the hell is wrong with these guys?" & "What would make someone do that?". Most of the time when I listen to Eminem, I think, "What the hell is wrong with this guy?" & "What would make someone say that?". I don't own any seasons of Jackass. I don't own any  Eminem CDs. If someone told me they have watched & owned every episode of Jackass, and it was the funniest show they've ever seen; I'd think something was wrong with them. If someone told me that they own every CD and ride around bumpin Eminem, and he is the greatest MC; I'd assume they were younger than me & white. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?


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