Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Come On, Man" Face of the Week

This one was not submitted, by a girl who only goes by Whoa. Not bad at all. You should send your best one to Use the comments to add what you think someone said to prompt this "Come On, Man" Face. These crack me up, but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Good Wife's Guide

Back in the day there was a magazine entitled, Housekeeping Monthly. When I say back in the day, I mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the day. In their May 13th, 1955 issue they had a little list that they ran entitled, "The Good Wife's Guide". When I read it, I was reminded of how drastically the ideas of Home, Wife, Family, and Husband have changed. I'm gonna post at least one of these things per week and I want you guys; especially the women, to tell me what you honestly think.

Make the evening his. Never complain if he comes home late or goes out to dinner, or other places of entertainment without you. Instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure and his very real need to be at home and relax.

Truthfully, this doesn't sound half bad. I don't think it would fly nowadays, unless it went both ways. It kinda has a hidden implication of solitude and trust: two things important to a healthy relationship. Cool idea, but good luck adapting that to the modern woman. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The War Prayer

The War Prayer
by Mark Twain

It was a time of great and exalting excitement. The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fluttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.

It was indeed a glad and gracious time, and the half dozen rash spirits that ventured to disapprove of the war and cast a doubt upon its righteousness straightway got such a stern and angry warning that for their personal safety's sake they quickly shrank out of sight and offended no more in that way.

Sunday morning came -- next day the battalions would leave for the front; the church was filled; the volunteers were there, their young faces alight with martial dreams -- visions of the stern advance, the gathering momentum, the rushing charge, the flashing sabers, the flight of the foe, the tumult, the enveloping smoke, the fierce pursuit, the surrender!

Then home from the war, bronzed heroes, welcomed, adored, submerged in golden seas of glory! With the volunteers sat their dear ones, proud, happy, and envied by the neighbors and friends who had no sons and brothers to send forth to the field of honor, there to win for the flag, or, failing, die the noblest of noble deaths. The service proceeded; a war chapter from the Old Testament was read; the first prayer was said; it was followed by an organ burst that shook the building, and with one impulse the house rose, with glowing eyes and beating hearts, and poured out that tremendous invocation:

God the all-terrible! Thou who ordainest,
Thunder thy clarion and lightning thy sword!

Then came the "long" prayer. None could remember the like of it for passionate pleading and moving and beautiful language. The burden of its supplication was, that an ever-merciful and benignant Father of us all would watch over our noble young soldiers, and aid, comfort, and encourage them in their patriotic work; bless them, shield them in the day of battle and the hour of peril, bear them in His mighty hand, make them strong and confident, invincible in the bloody onset; help them crush the foe, grant to them and to their flag and country imperishable honor and glory --

An aged stranger entered and moved with slow and noiseless step up the main aisle, his eyes fixed upon the minister, his long body clothed in a robe that reached to his feet, his head bare, his white hair descending in a frothy cataract to his shoulders, his seamy face unnaturally pale, pale even to ghastliness. With all eyes following him and wondering, he made his silent way; without pausing, he ascended to the preacher's side and stood there waiting. With shut lids the preacher, unconscious of his presence, continued his moving prayer, and at last finished it with the words, uttered in fervent appeal, "Bless our arms, grant us the victory, O Lord and God, Father and Protector of our land and flag!"

The stranger touched his arm, motioned him to step aside -- which the startled minister did -- and took his place. During some moments he surveyed the spellbound audience with solemn eyes, in which burned an uncanny light; then in a deep voice he said:

"I come from the Throne -- bearing a message from Almighty God!" The words smote the house with a shock; if the stranger perceived it he gave no attention. "He has heard the prayer of His servant your shepherd, and will grant it if such be your desire after I, His messenger, shall have explained to you its import -- that is to say, its full import. For it is like unto many of the prayers of men, in that it asks for more than he who utters it is aware of -- except he pause and think. "God's servant and yours has prayed his prayer. Has he paused and taken thought? Is it one prayer? No, it is two -- one uttered, and the other not. Both have reached the ear of Him who heareth all supplications, the spoken and the unspoken. Ponder this -- keep it in mind. If you would beseech a blessing upon yourself, beware! lest without intent you invoke a curse upon your neighbor at the same time. If you pray for the blessing of rain on your crop which needs it, by that act you are possibly praying for a curse on some neighbor's crop which may not need rain and can be injured by it.

"You have heard your servant's prayer -- the uttered part of it. I am commissioned by God to put into words the other part of it -- that part which the pastor -- and also you in your hearts -- fervently prayed silently. And ignorantly and unthinkingly? God grant that it was so! You heard the words 'Grant us the victory, O Lord our God!' That is sufficient. The whole of the uttered prayer is compact into those pregnant words. Elaborations were not necessary. When you have prayed for victory you have prayed for many unmentioned results which follow victory -- must follow it, cannot help but follow it. Upon the listening spirit of God fell also the unspoken part of the prayer. He commandeth me to put it into words. Listen!

"Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth into battle -- be Thou near them! With them -- in spirit -- we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended in the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames in summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it --

For our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!

We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

(After a pause.) "Ye have prayed it; if ye still desire it, speak! The messenger of the Most High waits."

It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said.

Nothing is as true as this piece of art is in these current times. All of those who are in support of war and believe that war has a purpose in this day and age should read this again. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Invisible Stop Signs

I've been having this thought and I hope that it doesn't offend. I've been trying to think of anything that can have a worse effect on a child than being sexually offended by an adult. I wasn't trying to trump it. I was just thinking, what things happen in a child's life that tests their famous resiliency. Then it occurred to me. I think, living in the constant fear of being a victim of a pedophile is worse than being a victim of a pedophile. Hear me out. Children are resilient. Amazingly resilient. They are resilient to practically any and everything that HAPPENS to them. The psychological and emotional toll that living in adamant paranoia can have on a child is too much though. You can get past something that happens, but it is impossible to move past the heavy weight of a perception when it stops your human growth, and never reveals itself. I'm not directing this to your average everyday concerned parent. Just the ones that watch the news, and To Catch A Predator, and tell their kids all about how there are evil adults waiting to attack and do terrible things to them. Those parents aren't doing their kids a favor. My daughter knows not to talk to or go with strangers. When I asked her why she shouldn't do these things, she said "Because they will take me from you and mommy." That was good enough for me. She doesn't need to know the intricate details of things that could, but odds are won't, happen to her. Innocence is becoming a rapidly vanishing resource amongst our youth and we should do our best to make sure it doesn't get depleted by our zest for awareness. Again, I believe in the resilience of children. I also believe in the mental erosion of fear. No one is immune. Not kids. Not adults. Not even Chuck Norris. Living under constant fear will turn scared children to paranoid adults. Not concerned adults, not cautious adults, but paranoid adults. A child's resiliency is confined to things that happen to them; not things that linger in their minds which may or may not be real. That's why they struggle with the Boogieman. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

My 300th Post

Well. Well. Well. 300 posts. I would've never thought that I had 300 things to type about. Somehow I did. Unfortunately, this last 300 post have been kinda darkened with what I can only categorize as haters and perpetrators. I believe that I lost several readers from it. It was apparent one day when i got a strange e-mail from someone who wanted to comment, but "didn't want involved in all that drama". I didn't help matters because I jumped in head first instead of letting people think what they think and work it out on their own. The worst part is that I ended up finding out that it was a loyal reader that I thought was a friend who started it all up. I've since, resolved all issues with that person and intend to move on. I actually considered just deleting it, but I'm glad I chose against it. Enough of that crap! My favorite topics from these past 100 have been: Rest In Peace, The Inauguration I Would've Loved To See, Blind Hypocrisy, An Elephant Never Regrets, A Cool Moment, Renigger, and Really???. This is the part I love. Now I wanna shout out the brave souls who I appreciate so much, and who make me feel sane and insane at the same time. I wanna thank all the people who have commented and left their name or a name instead of Anonymous. These fine people are: Stella, Crystal, Kelly Jo, Jade, Adria, Aimee, Jaime, Susan, Claire, Good Ole Wifey, Jermaine, James Tubman, Mizamizamoses, My Two Cents, Jessica, CoJack, J. Lucious, Tamara, Niecy Cakes, Mary, MJ Lives Under My Bed, and Wendy Lough. Thank you all. Please keep reading. I decided to post the picture of me and my mom because I also learned this year that no one has my back more than she does. NO ONE! I plan on trying for 400. I don't know if I'll make it, but I'm sure gonna try. Haters don't bother me as much anymore. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, November 23, 2009

What Hip Hop Needs.....

With the reappearance of Charles Hamilton, The Reemergence of Jay-Z, and the revelation of 50 Cent, I've been thinking about Rap music. i think I know what it needs right now.


Really. Right now the music is full of Hustlers, Trap Stars, Gangsters, Entrepreneurs, and Business men. Not many artists. Too many cats concerned with the money, the formula, and the industry side of things. I don't even think people look at rappers as artists. I think they see most of them as thugs with a record deal waiting to get shot or got to jail. I think from now on I'm gonna only refer to them as Rap Artists. Well... the ones that are artistic, anyways. What kills me is when I hear a rapper or producer, or industry person say, "He can rap his ass off, but he can't write a song." or "What's the use of being so lyrical, if you can right a hit?" Could you imagine someone telling Van Gogh or Picasso, "You can paint your ass off, but you gotta give people something to look at." or telling Salvidor Dali, "I like what you're doing here, but when are you gonna start churning out masterpieces?" It's ridiculous. It's so bad that, when I criticize rappers or what rappers talk about, I get accused of being a hater. I know a 23 year old cat who, whenever he hears me talking about lyricists and lack of creativity, says "Can't you just enjoy the music?" Does that seem crazy to anyone else? Maybe it's just me. This is the way I see Hip Hop now: Imagine if the Rap Game was Track & Field. What if runners were being judged by how many meets they run in, how many endorsements they have, how hard they trained, and what their running gear looked like; INSTEAD OF HOW FAST THEY RUN!!! Then, when I criticize the runner for being slow, they say "Can't you just enjoy the race?" Maybe I'm just an old guy complaining. Maybe I'm the one losing touch. If you ask me there aren't many artists left: Nas, Mos Def, Kid Cudi, Kanye, Charles Hamilton, Drake, Andre 3000, The Roots. There are plenty more, but these guys personify the artistry and the culture. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?


First off, I want to apologize for neglecting the blog. It sucks I know. I was doing a David Mamet play called, "Oleanna". I went very well. Initially, I was strugglin with the part but I eventually pulled it together. I'm sure how many of you are familiar with Mamet's work or have actually performed it. It actually made me question whether or not i even wanted to act anymore. i thought age was just kickin my butt and my mind was going. My younger co-star had no problem with it. She had it memorized weeks before I did. I then realized my problem. I didn't get his style of writing. My theory of acting is like this: The actor gets a line like, "I love my dog." A good actor can take that line and make it into enough action, emotion, movement, and expression to warrant 10 pages of writing. In the case of Mamet, the actor get ten pages of dialogue and through his ability he is supposed to condense all that verbiage and dialogue into the phrase of, "I love my dog." It was a true test of my "chops". After pulling it off in an effective performance, I now feel confident saying I have them. Now that I am freed up on time and my stress level is considerably lowered, I'll be back to posting regularly. If any of you have read the show, Oleanna, I think you owe yourselves. For the conversation it sparks alone. It presents the idea of a Learning Hierarchy. A theory that teachers are often abusers of power and the idea of education and teaching is one of Have & Have Nots, I know & You Don't, I have the power and What I say is right & You must listen because You know nothing. It is an interesting concept. I don't believe that teachers feel this way, but I sure that this mentality exists but I've never encountered it to the extent of the character I portrayed. This show also showed me that there are several people in the world who have serious issues with teachers and school. I'm surprised by this. Do any of you have experiences that have shaped your attitudes toward school, teachers, or the education process? If so please share them. I am amazed how much of an impact that one bad teacher or one traumatic incident can have on an institution that naively put so much stock in and found so much comfort with. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Faggots & Whores

Lately, I've noticed these two words making a weird metamorphosis. It reminds me of the N word and all of the changes it's gone through. I don't think either of these words have the historical sting and bite that the N word has but they're getting there. Growing up, I knew these definitions: Faggot- A homosexual man, Whore- A woman who gets paid for sex. Lately these words have shifted in their meaning. Faggot still has the horrible homophobia foundation, but a added twist has been it's use to describe a weak man. As a matter of fact, that is the way that I hear it used most often. But what does that say about our perception of gay men? Do we instinctively think they are weak because they are gay? Is a feminine man, any less of a man than a macho one? I take great pride in being a man and I've chosen to define a man by action and intention, instead of biology and bravado. Unfortunately, society differs. A man with a limp wrist or one who enjoys the intimate company of another man is considered less of a man; than one who beats his woman or doesn't protect or provide for his family.
Whore is even worse. This word is used to instantly bring a woman down. A woman would be called a if she had only slept with one person and didn't charge. I've seen this happen more than once. I woman could just be suspected of sleeping with some one and that next time she is seen out, she is greeted with, "You whore!" In that example, the woman doesn't even have to be sleeping with anyone to get the slur hurled at her.
It brings me to the conclusion that society has morphed these words in order to point out that the quickest way to hurt a man is to attack his strength, and the quickest way to hurt a woman is to attack her morals. Both are cruel and hurtful words, both strip away the human-ness from a person, and both paint the accuser with a extra thick coat of ignorance. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ain't This A Female Dog

PETA Killed 95 Percent of Adoptable Pets in its Care During 2008
Hypocritical Animal Rights Group’s 2008 Disclosures Bring Pet Death Toll To 21,339

WASHINGTON DC – Today the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) published documents online showing that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) killed 95 percent of the adoptable pets in its care during 2008. Despite years of public outrage over its euthanasia program, the animal rights group kills an average of 5.8 pets every day at its Norfolk, VA headquarters.
According to public records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed 2,124 pets last year and placed only seven in adoptive homes. Since 1998, a total of 21,339 dogs and cats have died at the hands of PETA workers.
Despite having a $32 million budget, PETA does not operate an adoption shelter. PETA employees make no discernible effort to find homes for the thousands of pets they kill every year. Last year, the Center for Consumer Freedom petitioned Virginia’s State Veterinarian to reclassify PETA as a slaughterhouse.
CCF Research Director David Martosko said: “PETA hasn’t slowed down its hypocritical killing machine one bit, but it keeps browbeating the rest of society with a phony ‘animal rights’ message. What about the rights of the thousands of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens that die in PETA’s headquarters building?”
Martosko added: “Since killing pets is A-OK with PETA, why should anyone listen to their demands about eating meat, using lab rats for medical research, or taking children to the circus?”
CCF obtained PETA’s “Animal Record” filings since 1998 from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Members of the public can see these documents at
(Skeptical? Click here to see the documents.)
In addition to exposing PETA’s hypocritical record of killing defenseless animals, the Center for Consumer Freedom has publicized the animal rights group’s ties to violent activists, and shed light on its aggressive message-marketing to children.

Thanks for hipping me to this, Pops. I pray to God that someone holds them accountable. The most amazing scenario would be if Michael Vick would somehow be on their jury. Someone should douse their headquarters with red paint. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Love Definition

My friend Roberta hipped me to a definition of love that she got from a site about three years ago. I dig it.

"Love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, even the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you."

Feel free to post your own definition. I think I'm gonna adopt this one. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Did you know that white skin has evolved over time? A sleepless night and a few obscure websites lead me to these facts. It seems we were all black once(consistent with evolutionary fact of first humans in Africa). White skin was a result of humans moving away from the equator. Also all skin, without coloring, would appear creamy white. Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red. A yellow pigment also tints the canvas. Lastly, sepia-toned melanin, created in response to ultraviolet rays, appears black in large amounts. These four hues mix in different proportions to create the skin colors of all the peoples of Earth. Isn't that crazy? I wonder why that makes me smile so hard? You would think that these type of revelations would make us feel closer as a species, but I bet it makes most folks just try and dispute it. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?€

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


For as much love as I have for Tupac, I've only dedicated one post to him. I hope this makes up for it. He was the best that ever did it. His passion and intensity, mixed with his art, made him second to none. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Love Checklist

There are many things that I have done and continue to do wrong, in relationships. The newest one I've learned; I'm calling "The Love Checklist". When someone tells me that they love me, for some odd reason, my first instinct it to pull out what I call my "Love Checklist" in my mind. I begin to check off all of the things that a person in love, should or shouldn't do. This is usually a successful attempt to push the other person away or to side step their feelings until I can figure out what mine are. I realized that this is a very bad habit. One that needs broken. Who am I to think that I have some blueprint for how someone in love thinks or behaves? It takes alot of nerve to look at some one and say, "How can you say you love me if you did this?" or "How can you say you love me if you didn't do that?". Maybe they have a better and healthier definition of love than you. Maybe they have a better blueprint. Maybe it will do you some good to follow, in a relationship rather than lead. Let the other person sculpt the piece and then all you have to do is enjoy it. It's obvious the other person has a better grasp on their feelings, because they are expressing them to you. Maybe it all comes back to trust. The next time someone tells you that they love you, and you feel ready, I think you should let them show you their definition of love. Start from the moment they say it, though. Don't try to backtrack and disprove them. Once the L- Word comes up, give them a clean slate. Let them write and explain their definition. Once you have it. then you can see if you can live with that definition of love. See if it is enough to satisfy you and sustain you. If it is, enjoy the ride. If not, explain to them that it is too much or not enough. But by all means, DO NOT tell a person that they don't know what they feel or that your version of love is the only acceptable definition. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Blakroc Project from Myrhax on Vimeo.

Is anyone else as excited for this project as I am. This could be the beginning of something incredible in Hip-Hop; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, September 14, 2009


All of the hoopla over Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift kills me. I don't recall any of this type of outrage when the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was interrupted during his NATIONWIDE ADDRESS. Kanye West simply said that he didn't think Taylor Swift deserved to win over Beyonce. Rep. Joe Wilson yelled out that President Barack Obama was a liar during his address to congress. Nobody is blasting Rep. Joe Wilson or saying he should resign. There are no talks of boycotting him or asking for his head on a platter. Maybe we as a country should reassess our priorities and direct our outrage in a more meaningful or productive direction. All I walk away from this with is the thought that you can say anything to the Leader of the Free World, but you better not ever say anything about Taylor Swift. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The Good Wife's Guide

Back in the day there was a magazine entitled, Housekeeping Monthly. When I say back in the day, I mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the day. In their May 13th, 1955 issue they had a little list that they ran entitled, "The Good Wife's Guide". When I read it, I was reminded of how drastically the ideas of Home, Wife, Family, and Husband have changed. I'm gonna post at least one of these things per week and I want you guys; especially the women, to tell me what you honestly think.

Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first- remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! All I can think about is my mom when I read this. There is no way that she would read this without laughing out loud. Especially my grandmother! She would've never bought into this line of thinking, and I consider her old school. My my my, how things have changed; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Buddha Cards

I have a stack of Buddhist meditation cards that I keep on my coffee table. I try to read them weekly and use that as a sort of theme for the week ahead of me. Sometimes I don't get around to reading it until Friday. Usually, I read them and keep pushing; but today's really rang true and I thought I'd share. What do you think?

"Do not permit your minds to wander aimlessly. Constantly be mindful of your thoughts, and try by every means to remain on the direct path to enlightenment."

I dig this one because it's like an exercise. A mental workout. It is one thing to watch whether or not your mind wanders; but it is another to keep your focus on enlightenment. Most folks try to achieve their enlightenment by extinguishing yours. Doing what this card says, to me, is like standing and holding buckets of water with your arms straight out. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The S.T.G. Award

It's been awhile since I've given one of these out, but this one is WELL deserved. I have been dealing with a lot of people putting comments up that have nothing to do with the post, aren't productive or constructive, and just seem to give the person an outlet to really let me have it. Finally, two of these people decided to let themselves be known. This weeks S.T.G. Award goes to Susan and Mary (check the comments under Whyte Gurls & The Po-Lease) . The best part is, I know these women. Not very well, but we have had a few conversations. I actually considered one of them my friend. Susan is a happily married professional woman, and Mary is a wonderful mother of two fantastic children; also a professional woman. I'm not giving them this award to discourage people from voicing their opinion about the topics I post. I'm just using it as a warning for them and others who want to use my blog to take personal shots at me and my life. If you want to take my personal inventory, and go off topic to bash me, use a fake name or go back to Anonymous. If you don't, I'll make things real personal, real quick. Ask Susan. Again, I don't want anyone to stop reading or commenting; but if you want to take a shot at me and my person, expect the same in return. Either way, I'm proud of you ladies for finally revealing who you are and I hope you keep reading. If not, you won't be missed; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Support Your Local MC

This song gave me so many chills while I was watching it. A young man that I've known all his life is the MC. He gives an amazing recap of the lost loved ones in East Wheeling. He is an amazing talent. He is also starring in a play that I wrote coming up this weekend. Enjoy this video and remember to support your local MC. You know.. he could be out in the streets doing wrong, but instead, he is making music. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My President Is Black

For some reason there was a big deal made about President Obama's televised speech at the school I work for. There were faculty side discussions all day and an unspoken tension during and leading up to the speech. I feel like people forgot that he is The President Of The United States of America! They treat this guy like he has been messing up for years. He is given no leeway or any benefit of the doubt. We elected him, but I guess people in a Red State like West Virginia, feel like they don't have to support him since he isn't "their guy". Also, did people forget that we didn't have a choice to watch the president in schools. Thanks to the ubiquitous Poppa Lusc, I got my hands on the above video, which I wasn't given a choice to watch. And for those of you that don't know, we ain't been Negros since the 1950's. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Whyte Gurls & The Po-Lease

I was raised with some serious misconceptions growing up. I shouldn't say I was raised with them. I adopted them at a very young age. My definition of a misconception is a believe of attitude developed from no, or very little, exposure to a subject. For example, when I was growing up, I had the worst opinion of white women. Not all white women. Just the ones who dated black men. I used to believe that they were weak, stupid, and easily manipulated. This misconception was born from my limited exposure to white women and the circumstances in which I was exposed. From my father to my uncles, there were always a string of white women following them around at their beckoned call. They seemed happy to do or provide anything without getting any positive feedback in return. Again, this is the perception from my young eyes; and trust me, I wasn't getting the full picture. It got so bad that after high school, my three goals were: 1.)Get an apartment on The Hill, 2.)Get a car, and 3.) Get a white girl from Moundsville to pay for it all. I also was under the impression that Moundsville was fertile ground for those kinda white girls. Of course, by meeting new people and leaving my mind open I began to see that my belief was, in fact, a misconception. It started when I met Becky Pearson. She was a professional, white woman. She is the person I credit for getting me into the career that I am doing currently. She was smart,, funny, pretty, and she was married to a black man. I was certain that he wore that pants, and on a regular basis told her to shut up or talked down to her in some kinda way. I was completely wrong. They had a happy, healthy relationship. She was a a very professional Therapist and he was street dude. He got his act together, but he started out as a stereotypical street dude. I was stunned. From there, I met Amy Ramsey and she was another professional, strong, smart white woman. I worked on that misconception until I developed a new belief: There are dysfunctional women in all races, creeds, and colors. Another one was my feelings about police. When I was young, a police officer pulled over my father and I while we were driving. The police officer called my father a "long haired, nigger faggot". I'll never forget that. Since then, I have been very leery and nervous around the police. I remembered how I got past my white women thing and now I have set out to really get to know some police officers, and their families. That way, I would see them as human beings with families, instead of animals with guns and badges. I'm still working on that one though. I challenge everyone reading this to confront a misconception in their life. It could be about anything or anyone. Just look at yourself or your life and think about beliefs or ideas that you hold on to without much basis. Once you identify it, examine it. Find out if it's really a misconception, or a fact. If the examination proves it to be a misconception, begin the reversal process. It can only better your life to make it more inclusive that exclusive; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Right Direction

I've gotten back into the theatre again. I'm not back on stage, but I am directing this time. The part that is more special to me is the fact that I'm directing a one act play that I wrote. Now that I think about it, I'm directing 5 one act plays, set to open on the same night. The one that gives me a feeling of pride, is the one act that I wrote. Not to take anything away from the other authors, I just dig my show. Matter of fact, one of the shows was written by my best friend and another was written by an area theatrical legend. I still dig my show. I don't know how many of you have ever written a play or a poem or something creative; but if you have, there is no feeling better than the feeling of seeing what you've written come to life. The cast that is performing my show was completely in touch with the writing and the feelings that I wanted to convey with the dialogue. It was like they knew where I wanted to take the audience. The few times I had to give direction, it was like they were reading my mind and they often applied the direction before I finished telling them exactly what it was that I wanted. The cast vibed, the words flowed, and the emotion was there. Once we added the blocking, or movements of the actors, the show really began looking alive. It was a proud moment for me. I was so excited and the cast was so involved that a 30 minute rehearsal turned into a 2 1/2 hour rehearsal. I was running of pure creative adrenaline after that, and didn't sleep until 1:00am. I hope that this continues into a great production. The show opens on Sept. 17th, and it is for one night only. It is a part of Sto-fest, a new one act play festival, at the Independent Theatre Collective on 2001 Market St. Whg, WV 26003. It's incredibly time consuming, but I believe that the pay-off is gonna be tremendous for this event. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, August 31, 2009


Call it dickridin, jockin, or whatever; I'm a huge Jay-Z fan. I thought this commercial promoting his new CD was very creative, so I had to give him props. I'm assuming that only his true fans will get what is going on in it. Personally, i think this will be his best CD; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Friday, August 28, 2009

What To Do?

Thanks to the good people at Blogger, I just got an e-mail that informed me, my Ex of 6 years is blogging again on the blog I set up for her. I couldn't resist, so I clicked the link. In the post, she describes how happy she is in her new marriage. I should've stopped reading right there, but I didn't. The part that messed me up is where she described her new husband. She described him, in the post, the same way she described me in a letter she wrote to me. Half of the reason I fell for her was those amazing letters that she wrote me. I know it's weird that I still have those letters, but I got rid of them today. It was straight cut and paste. She talked about my smile, how sexy she thought I was, how she loved how I stand and walk, and how she loved the width and arch of my back. When she wrote it to me, I was swept off my feet. It was a little tough to hear her saying the same things VERBATIM about the guy that she kicked me out for. Felt like another kick to the stomach. Check it out. The site is:
My question is this, should I say anything or let sleeping dogs lie? She doesn't call and downtalk me anymore. She doesn't text me about Brett Michaels and David Blaine anymore. She sounds pretty happy. But, there is the side of me that wants to put her on blast and post some ignorant shit on her site. I know it wont bring her back to me and that isn't even what I want; but I haven't progressed enough as a human being to where I don't want to hurt someone who has hurt me that bad. I'm confused, hurt, and ready to hurt someone else. Let me know what you think. When you answer, if you answer, post what you think I SHOULD do and what YOU WOULD do. Sometimes those are two different things. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Passion Installation

Where has all the passion gone? Especially with the young people. This question popped into my mind after I watched a film called Cadillac Records. The film wasn't about young people or really about passion; but one scene stuck in my mind. One of the film's main characters, Muddy Waters, was shown recording a record out of the back of a truck. Once the record was done, the man played it for Muddy and he said it was like hearing himself for the first time. He was so taken by this record, that he packed up his guitar and walked from down south to Chicago. I have a tough time getting youngsters nowadays to sit in advisory period for 15 minutes, much less walk somewhere. I think that the world needs more drive and determination like that. Imagine how much could get done with that type of sacrifice and focus. It really hits home when I ask young people what they wanna do with their life and I get hit with the two answers that make my stomach hurt. 1.) Sleep. Or my other favorite 2.) Start A Business. I'm not sure what it is, but something needs cultivated in our young people so they can stop being so surface, and begin to dream imagine and strive again. Money shouldn't be a motivator for a kid either. I'd love to see some moved be respect, praise, applause, fame, or just plain fun. I'm not sure that the young folks that I run into have any want or desire to change the world or even their immediate settings. They wanna learn how to live in it. They are a nation of survivors instead of a group dreamers. Young people need passion, possibilities, and a push. Hope is never wasted on the young or youthful. It is our job to lift burdens from young folk and start installing some passion. Cultivate any and every option that a kid expresses interest in; as long as it is off the beat and path. Don't discourage a kid that tells you I wanna be in the NBA, or NFL, or I wanna join the service; but be sure to get 100% behind a child or young person that wants to be a Display Person, A Chef, A Carpenter, A Film Maker, A Decorator, A Engineer, or A Florist. Encourage creativity and free thought, and this complexion and mood of society will change unrecognizably. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Who knew?

I can't front. These guys can really dance, but imagine if you were dancing with someone and they just busted out and started dancing like this. If you're not going into dance professionally, where does know how to dance this well and this way, ever become a useful skill. I'm not hatin'. I'm just sayin. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Sacrifice or Consequence

Today, I spoke with a woman who had a husband who was a sex offender. He was caught and convicted of three counts of sexual misconducts with three different 10 year old boys. I am working on my judgement of others. I don't believe anyone should judge anyone, but during our conversation she told me about how she had to change jobs and her profession has suffered immensely. She also told me the different things that people had done to her home and the different types of threatening phone calls she was getting. I understood and sympathized with her on these issues. The problem I had was when she referred to these things as sacrifices. Being the counselor I am; I let her talk, vent, and feel better. But I don't agree that those things were sacrifices. I believe they were consequences for her husbands actions. A sacrifice is a noble acknowledgement of adversity for the purpose of learning and self-improvement. I don't think the things that she is going through are correct or even deserved, but I don't think her enduring those things are the stuff of sacrifice. I admire her, though. She could easily walk away from him and let him handle his consequences alone; but once she married him, she agreed that his struggles were now hers. She agreed that they were partners who would handle whatever came their way together. A real ride or die chick. I don't believe she should expect sympathy, though. She is making a choice. She should walk strongly into this adversity, which makes it different than a sacrifice. She signed up for this when she took those vows. She solidified it when she chose to stay with him instead of leaving him after he committed his crime. In my opinion, sacrifice is a noble and beautiful thing. True sacrifice comes without whining. Consequences are often run from, and if they are ever complained about; it makes you see the person complaining in a far worse silhouette. But that's just my opinion though; and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Blog

A buddy of mine named Cory aka Co-Jack, aka Co-Jaculation, aka 2nd Hand Horse Penis, has started his own blog. He is a VERY opinionated, and passionate individual. I have been urging him to start blogging forever. He finally did it. If you get a chance, check it out and please drop him a comment or two. He sometimes needs to get his views run across by some others. It's called That's Universal the address is
He's pretty far out there. Also, don't hold back. Let him know if you think he's full of crap or right on point. Most of the time, he's full of crap though; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Joell Ortiz

One of my favorite artists. I love the concept for this video. I'm telling you guys, real hip-hop is coming back!!! But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Saturday, July 25, 2009


You know the weird part? Some of you are gonna watch this and say, "Hey, who knows what the guy did before the video started? Maybe he deserved it?" I always assumed that the police were trained to handle incapacitated perps, without nightsticks and violence. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Great Hair Debate

I was talking with some of my co-workers today and they told me something that I may be completely in the dark about. They said that they would like it if a man trimmed up and did some grooming to their "private areas". This has blown me away! I'm not even sure where the trend for women to start cutting their hair off started. I always assumed it was from porn. They all said that thy would prefer if their men shaved up down there. I'm an older cat, so I can't really understand it. It seems like the "man-scaping" as one co-worker called it, is a tad bit feminine for me. It's like a man being too concerned with his hairdo, or having a stylist. i just don't get it. I never complained about women having hair. Actually, I've only heard women complain about women having hair down there. So, I'm asking all of you out there that read this: If you're a man, do you Man-scape? If so, why? If you're a woman, do you prefer a man to Man-scape? If yes, why? The more I think about it, the more wrong it seems. Maybe I'm just too old school for some of these trends. The only thing I would be adamant about i woman shaving would be her armpits. I would only do that because a hairy armpit would remind me of a man. That's kinda my same thinking for "private areas". Again, I could be off on this I await your responses. I just think men are historically hairy; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Support Your Local MC

Once again I must do my part in promoting local hip-hop. I know this young man and almost everyone in the video. I'm not saying he's the next Jay-Z, but he can spit better than you. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Top Ten Soulful White Cats

I really dig R&B and soul music. Not as much as Hip-Hop, but I dig it. I am by no means a music historian or expert, but I was recently in an argument with a very closed minded friend of mine and he stated, "You can't name 5 white cats with more soul than me!" I forgot to mention that this guy thinks he has an amazing singing voice. He's pretty good, but my theory is, if you are chillin with me instead of in the studio or on tour; you must not be that good. After that, he went on to say, "Matter of fact, I bet you can't even name 10 white soulful cats!" This list is for you, JB!!!

1.) Robin Thicke
2.) Jon B.
3.) Justin Timberlake
4.) Daryl Hall
5.) Joe Cocker
6.) Teena Marie
7.) Heuy Lewis
8.) Bobby Caldwell
9.) The lead singer of Color Me Bad
10.) The lead singer of Simply Red

If you don't agree or you feel like I left someone off, put it in the comments. I think this list is pretty solid. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Come On, Man" Face of the Week

This one was not submitted, I jacked it from The Ubiquitous Poppa Lusc; but you should
send your best one to Use the comments to add what you think someone said to prompt this "Come On, Man" Face. These crack me up, but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I know that I said I had turned over a new leaf with my attitude towards women. As you can tell from the last text I haven't kept up with it. I had some bullshit at work, push me right back to square one. It was getting so bad that a few of my gay friends asked me if I was switching sides. I am not. Nor am I going to continue with this messed up attitude and perception of and toward the fairer sex. I love women, and unlike apples; one bad one does not spoil the whole bunch. Actually, I'm gonna start listing all of the things that I absolutely love about women. At least once a week, I'm gonna do that. That should help my mindset to lighten up. As I ask others to do, I decided to look at myself first. I had to ask, to how many women have I been their "bad apple"? Through ignorance, or arrogance; I'm sure that somewhere along my travels' I've turned a woman or two off from men for a while. It was never intentional. I just became selfish and/or unappreciative. I'm sure if all my Exs had blogs they would be airing me out like you wouldn't believe. Or maybe they aren't as effected by my past behaviors as I think. Maybe they took the high road. Maybe they simply got over it. There is a possibility that all of the women that I've done wrong are so strong and so focused, that they moved on. No regrets. No relapses. No angry phone calls, e-mails, or texts. I hope I haven't been responsible for someone losing hope. Hope in men or hope in Man. I'll work to lessen my negative impact on the world and lessen the impact of negativity on me. I'll do my best not to renege this time. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, July 13, 2009

I Tried

I was sent this e-mail today:

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the

'What kind of man are you looking for?'

She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye & asking, 'Do you really want to know?'

Reluctantly, he said, 'Yes.

She began to expound, 'As a woman in this day & age, I am in a position to ask a man what can you do for me that I can't do for myself?

I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man...
or woman for that matter.

I am in the position to ask, 'What can you bring to the table?'

The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money.

She quickly corrected his thought & stated, 'I am not referring to money. I need something more.
I need a man who is striving for excellence in every aspect of life.

He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, & asked her to explain.

She said, 'I need someone who is striving for excellence mentally because I need conversation & mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded man.

I need someone who is striving for excellence spiritually because I don't need to be unequally yoked...believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster.

I need a man who is striving for excellence financially because I don't need a financial burden.

I need someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded.

I need someone who has integrity in dealing with relationships. Lies and game-playing are not my idea of a strong man.

I need a man who is family-oriented. One who can be the leader, priest and provider to the lives entrusted to him by God.

I need someone whom I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him.

I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy.

And by the way, I am not looking for him...He will find me. He will recognize himself in me. He may not be able to explain the connection, but he will always be drawn to me. God made woman to be a help-mate for man. I can't help a man if he can't help himself.

When she finished her spill, she looked at him.

He sat there with a puzzled look on his face . He said, 'You are asking a lot."

She replied, "I'm worth a lot".

The problem that I have with this e-mail is that it implies a certain amount of perfection and arrogance in women and an implied amount of ignorance and superficial thought pattern in men. As if men are always deficient and on the wrong page when it comes to women and we are saying and doing all the wrong things, until that certain woman comes along and gives us that mental pep talk so we can straighten up and do right. It kinda pisses me off. Men and women are in the same boat and we both can benefit from a little more patience and understand in regards to the opposite sex. Ultimatums and condescension aren't useful tools. For the women that send this or read it and say, "Right on, girl."; you have to pause before you put yourself in the role of the woman speaking. Are you as pristine, focused, and perfect as she claims? The fine line that she is expecting this man to walk is also the tightrope that she has confined herself to. It seems idiotic to place expectations on another hoping that by doing so, he can help you to achieve those lofty heights. Instead of using unrealistic caricatures as the guide, use your intuition, and take time to meet and know a person. Stiff rigid guidelines will not help you from being hurt or save you from taking the time to get to know someone. If the only way you can feel whole, is by looking down on your better half; an chain e-mail isn't gonna help your journey through life anyway. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Lately, I've been in kind of a funk. I haven't been very open-minded or free-thinking when it has come to the females. It seems like, I've been bashing them at every turn. Unfortunately, I have let the way that a few women have been in my past; be the filter in which I look at all females in my future. It isn't fair and it is bordering mean and spiteful. I dig women and i need to begin acting like I do. I am now taking a different attitude towards them. Instead of talking about how women in my past were; I'm gonna start talking about how women in my future will be. It seems that I fell victim to all of the things I blog about. It's difficult to continually look at yourself, knowing that you aren't done becoming a better person by a long shot. I gotta remember Self-improvement is a journey, not a destination. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Couldn't Have Said It Better

Who would've thought George Carlin felt that way? I co-sign; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

One of my fondest memories was the Motown 25 TV special. I was in elementary school and I remember my parents letting me stay up late to watch the show. We were all in the living room of my grandparents house waiting and watching. I'm not sure what everyone else was waiting for, but I was waiting for Mike. Just a few days before, I was at the school carnival and spent what seemed like hours, dancing in the "Michael Jackson Room". Once The Jacksons hit the stage, My parents and grandparents began smiling and reminiscing. They were singing along and I was too. I knew the songs, mainly, from the cartoon. Then, the other brothers left the stage and Mike stayed. He said a few words, but the butterflies in my stomach drown him out. I knew that when he started performing, it wasn't gonna be long before he hit that Moonwalk. I was riveted! Mesmerized! I felt like I was actually there. And when he hit that Moonwalk.......

I lost my natural mind. I jumped up and yelled, and I even clapped. I was so blown away, that in the middle of winter in West Virginia, I wore one glove to school. He was the greatest performer I've ever seen. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Making Gibberish

A while back I posted about an artist named Ryan Leslie. I was, and am still, immensely impressed by his talent. I mentioned his song Gibberish as one that is so creative and original that I recommended everyone listen to it. The first time I heard it, i thought, "How in the heck did this guy come up with this?" My good buddy, B found this video that explains it all. I found it to be pretty slick; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?


So I found out something today that was really disturbing. Browns receiver Donte' Stallworth, is receiving 30 days for killing someone in a drunk driving accident. I have no actual feelings about that verdict. No opinion at all. Michael Vick just did 2 years for killing dogs. 30 days. 2 years. How'd you like to be the victim's family in the Stallworth case? I know that most of you will say, "But Vick was involved in a federal conspiracy. It was more than killing dogs." No it wasn't. I only say that because there has been no other arrests. I find it hard to believe that Michael Vick was the Kingpin/Linchpin for the entire dogfighting underground in this country and it stopped with his arrest. The message that I take away from this is that a dogs life is worth more than a human's life. Some of you may believe that, and for you, I hope that when you are in need of help and the ambulance pulls up, and a bunch of dogs hop out to help you. Or when you go in for emergency surgery, A Golden Lab is the doctor on-call. As most of you know, I wasn't born with that animal loving gene. I have been working on it though. But incidents like the Mike Vick thing and PETA's statement about President Obama killing a fly(Google it), make it hard. I just couldn't imagine being Mike Vick and seeing the sentence handed down to Mr. Stallworth. Many of you agree wholeheartedly with the Vick Verdict, but I would expect you people to be the first ones asking for Mr. Stallworth to be getting at least 2 years. I bet PETA will not be outside of his court hearings though. They are more interested with the ethical treatment of animals than that of people. At the end of the day, Donte' Stallworth took the life of a human being and has forever effected the members of that family. Michael Vick killed several dogs and was involved in a conspiracy that has killed even more dogs. Even the worst, most unproductive human being has the constant potential to change people around him, for the better; with one choice. Even if that person never acts on it; I would stack a pile of dead dogs 3 miles high, before I would sacrifice that human beings life. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Friday, June 12, 2009

2 Ways

I've found that there are only two things that seem to leave me hurt, confused, and open for emotions like anger, or depression, and revenge. Those two things are: 1.) When I am purposely hurt by someone I care about: emotionally or physically 2.) When life gives me an extra dose of adversity.

I have come up with two effective ways to handle these situations. They are more like mindsets that help me through it. Survive & Forgive. One of these mindsets should allow me to handle anything. So far, it's worked like a charm. Let me explain:

Survive- Endure, Understand, and make the transition from victim to survivor. This works best in situations where you have no control, and are practically unaware of what is happening to you. As much as we would like these situation to never happen, they do. Some things are just too big and seem to crush us down into the ground. Childhood, Whether or not a job hires you, Whether or not someone loves you, Illness, Death, and Natural Disasters fall into this category.

Forgive- Acceptance of the fact that all things that come to you, were asked for, are positive, and can make you a better human being. This is the key to divinity in my eyes. You are so much closer to perfection and God flattering behavior when you look to forgive when faced with harm. It is so human and natural to reach for revenge, and punishment. If we can train ourselves to think this way, I am certain we will get one step closer to an inspiring existence. An existence that will bring others to us by attraction instead of promotion. I really believe this. i believe it so much that I may do something crazy like tattoo these principles on my skin. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The Good Wife's Guide

Back in the day there was a magazine entitled, Housekeeping Monthly. When I say back in the day, I mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the day. In their May 13th, 1955 issue they had a little list that they ran entitled, "The Good Wife's Guide". When I read it, I was reminded of how drastically the ideas of Home, Wife, Family, and Husband have changed. I'm gonna post at least one of these things per week and I want you guys; especially the women, to tell me what you honestly think.

Prepare the children. Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces(if they are small), comb their hair and, if necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them playing the part. Minimize all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of the washer, dryer, or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet.

Wooooooooow!!! Am I the only person taken aback by this? It really blows my mind! Is this stuff even applicable in today's times. All I keep thinking is, "Where these better times? Worse times? or just Different times?" I can't answer that. Can you? I'm at a loss. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, June 1, 2009


It's been a minute since I posted some good hip-hop. I love the freestyle form of rap and it has been a dream of mine to stumble across a cypher like this. These are the things that I would love to see sprout up on the corners of my town. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

So Caucasian

Hey, at least you still got hockey. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Miss Appropriation of Power

One of the coolest things about being a human being is our ability to believe in other human beings. To see potential in them. To have a healthy, non romantic, admiration or devotion is an amazing ability. Unfortunately, you must be careful of those that you give that much power to. Valuing someone's opinion enough to where it can effect your world & self view isn't something you wanna just through around. No matter what that person or persons did to gain that luxury, doesn't make them immune to the pitfalls of finite humanity. Jealousy, Anger, Regret, and even Boredom can make a person move further and further away, in word and deed, That the person you know they are. They you have left yourself wide open for blindsiding, surprise attack right in front of your face. I don't want anyone to live in fear of this, just be cautious. Nothing can make a person feel lower than, when you are questioned about who or what you are, by someone you believed knew you better than most. It takes a strong person to shake it off and keep pushing. Not most can do it, without reexamining everything about themselves. It takes a weak one to prompt unwanted/unneeded self examination. It's kinda sadistic. You should always remember that despite the connection you have with a person, the similarities you have with them, the desire you have to be with or like them; no one knows you better that you do. Everyone you let into your life, can be let out. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The Good Wife's Guide

Back in the day there was a magazine entitled, Housekeeping Monthly. When I say back in the day, I mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the day. In their May 13th, 1955 issue they had a little list that they ran entitled, "The Good Wife's Guide". When I read it, I was reminded of how drastically the ideas of Home, Wife, Family, and Husband have changed. I'm gonna post at least one of these things per week and I want you guys; especially the women, to tell me what you honestly think.

Over the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all, catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.

This amazes me because had this article been published today, not only would the author be labeled a sexist and banished, the magazine itself would come under serious scrutiny. I'm not say that this guide is correct, I'm just interested in the drastic changes in opinion. It begs the question, " Who is the victim of manipulation?" The women who were reading this in 1955 and being told that it was credible and viable; or the women of today who are being told that this type of thinking and attitude is detrimental to all women in the world today" I think there is an argument for both sides; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Friday, May 15, 2009


Even though, Tyler Perry hands are involved in this; I believe this movie is a MUST SEE!!! I was moved just watching the trailer. This movie should win awards because it has the potential to change lives. Early Oscar prediction: Monique Best Supporting Actress. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Things I'm Gonna Do Different #1

I was in a six year relationship that recently ended. I have decided that I am gonna do something different, if and when, I decide to get in another relationship. The reasoning is that if I do something different, then the outcome will be different. I made a list of 10. This is the final one.

#1. Love- More importantly than any of the other nine, I've got to love her. In the pro-active sense. I must make it so that she knows that I love her and never has to ask or wonder about my feelings for her. I will realize how lucky I am to be in love with someone who loves me. I will say, " I love you" as often as possible and in as many different ways as I can. I'll remember that love grows in an atmosphere of freedom, not restraint and obligation. I'll do any and everything humanly possible not to take her for granted. EVER.

I may not be ready to try these right now; but I think it's good to have blueprints before you start building. If this doesn't work, I figure that I'll just try beating up women and talking crazy to them. Those guys are never without a chick. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The Red House

FINALLY, proof that Dr. King did not die in vain!!! But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

In Honor of Mother's day, I figured I'd post a picture of my mother during one of her proudest moments. This is her graduating from Nursing School. I'm the dashing young fellow in the brown 127 piece suit. My mother is my hero, inspiration, benchmark, and driving force. Nothing motivates me more than trying to make her proud. I'm so blessed to have her in my life to learn from and to watch. I tell her as often as a I can. She means the world to me. I'm just glad that someone had enough forward thought to make a holiday that celebrates women like this who've had impacts on lives like mine. I love my mom; but that's just opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things I'm Gonna Do Different #2

I was in a six year relationship that recently ended. I have decided that I am gonna do something different, if and when, I decide to get in another relationship. The reasoning is that if I do something different, then the outcome will be different. I made a list of 10.

#2. Objectivity- I will listen to her, openly, honestly, and objectively. The same way I listen to my friends. Acceptance is the key to understanding her. I'll use it as a buffer for tension and especially resentments. I won't take anything personally. I'll give her the right to have different opinions. The right to disagree with me. I don't want to control anyone's feelings. Especially the one that I love.

It's gonna be tough, but it will be worth it. I hope she thinks so. That's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The Good Wife's Guide

Back in the day there was a magazine entitled, Housekeeping Monthly. When I say back in the day, I mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the day. In their May 13th, 1955 issue they had a little list that they ran entitled, "The Good Wife's Guide". When I read it, I was reminded of how drastically the ideas of Home, Wife, Family, and Husband have changed. I'm gonna post at least one of these things per week and I want you guys; especially the women, to tell me what you honestly think.

Sunshine- Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.

This one, I just thought was funny. No insightful interpretation here. I just get a kick out of imagining a woman reading this and a light bulb going off in her head. I can see her practicing what she is going to say. I'd also love to see how one gets "a little more gay". I even smile when I envision the husband sitting at his boring ass job, hoping that he can get his day brightened once he gets home. Times sure have changed. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

I Love This Guy!!!

I'm smiling really hard right now. I am not the least bit embarrassed that he is good at basketball and plays it in the White House. He transcends cliches and stereotypes; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Is Nothing Sacred!!!

I dig porn as much as the next guy; but this is ridiculous! You gotta draw the line somewhere. I'm gonna have to write someone about this blatant disrespect! But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Top Ten Mistakes Men Make In The Bedroom

While I was mourning the shutting down of KING magazine, one of my favorites, I began looking through my old back issues. In one of them, I found this list. It was made by Melyssa Ford (Google her). Let me know what you think.

1. Thinking that foreplay starts in the sack. The timer for enticing does not start once you hit the sheets. Your pre-game show is best approached as an all day affair. Women love to be wooed. Sex is a head game, in more ways than one, and women want to know you can't get them out of your mind. We love knowing that we are desired.
Men, whether your plan is to get some, rev up her engine or bring her to fast orgasm, your strategy should begin long before you enter the bedroom.
This isn't necessarily because women need a lot of time to get warmed up. Given that a couple of my girlfriends can attain an orgasm in a minute or two, at least by themselves, my sense is that the "statistic" that women need an average 20 minutes of foreplay before penetration tends to be overused.

2. Going south too soon. Do not pass go and collect $200. Diving in for the genitals too soon usually isn't the best idea. A woman needs to be properly aroused before any below-the-belt action feels good.
Be sure to focus on her entire body, head to toe, before going for the gold.

3. Ignoring the clitoris. Many men think a woman's orgasmic ability is due to penetration. Yes, there is certainly pleasure in this part of the performance, but the bell of the ball is being left out of the party.
More than 70 percent of women experience clitoral orgasm when it comes to maximum reaction, so men need to make sure they are not ignoring the clitoris. It also helps if you actually know where the clitoris is located. Some have been known to rub the urethral opening, which can be a big no-no for some ladies.

4. Missing the G spot. In digging for buried treasure, many guys don't know that X doesn't always mark the spot. Found on the front wall of the vagina, a woman's G spot may be a little higher or lower, or more to one side than the other, than often depicted.
Its size may also vary, from as small as a pea to as large as a quarter.
Hint: She needs to be aroused before you even have a prayer of finding it.

5. Becoming too goal-oriented in your efforts. There is nothing more endearing than a man who wants to play. Just don't get caught up in yourself. Your sexual exploration should be playtime for two.
Stay present in the moment. Connecting with your partner will bring the ultimate climax to both of you.

6. Gaining weight and still thinking you're attractive. "For better or worse" should include weight fluctuations, but don't let yourself go completely.
You don't know how many women have complained to me about the double standard in staying attractive: Women are expected to stay hot-to-trot, men aren't.
So if you want continued star treatment for your rock star performances, know that Meat Loaf isn't the singer to emulate.

7. Not knowing about her need to be naughty. Sometimes she needs to get in touch with her adulterated side. In fact, research has found that women are more aroused by explicit fantasies than romantic ones. Forget the prince on a white horse or canoodling on the beach.
Many women enjoy all sorts of erotica. Don't be afraid to play up her far-from-virtuous visual nature.

8. Thinking she's supposed to act like a porn star. When I was in the height of my video career, I couldn't believe how many questions I received from men about how to get their lover to do something specific in bed.
As seen in porn films, many men expect their lovers to fulfill their every fantasy. Remember that porn is fantasy, not reality. Expecting her to act like a porn star is simply not fair.

9. Thinking you're supposed to look like a porn star. Despite what XXX-rated films indicate, most women are not lusting after the three-legged man. The Mandingo package deal doesn't do it for most.
Last weekend, this topic came up with my girlfriends over cocktails. As the ladies crossed their legs, the overall consensus on "larger than life" was: "What are you supposed to do with that?"
Maybe some women are up for the challenge, but many are fine with the guy who fits within the norm. Don't be too hard on yourself for being just that.

10. Believing one orgasm is enough. She's just had a mind-blowing orgasm, maybe two. So she should be perfectly content, right? Wrong.
Women are not nearly as quick to come down from their aroused state as men are post-sex. Many can be launched right back to bliss, and many women do crave more action and orgasms, even if they were perfectly satisfied by the first experience.
Even if you're exhausted.

I'm not sure how I feel about this list. It kinda puts me in the mind of the age old saying that, "Women are never satisfied & You can never do enough for a woman". It also seems strange to see this list when I hear women complaining about not getting sex then bashing the sex that they get. If I had to summarize the list, it would look like this: 1-10. YOU"RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!!! I think I'm gonna try to make my own list of the Top Ten Mistakes Women Make In The Bedroom. It's gonna be pretty tough, because most men don't have complaints in this area. We are easy to please. If I'm lying guys, please let me know. Maybe I'm just the average confused, man pointing the finger everywhere but at myself. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Friday, April 24, 2009

How Babies Are Made

...and I don't see any good reason to tell my daughter any different; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

The Good Wife's Guide

Back in the day there was a magazine entitled, Housekeeping Monthly. When I say back in the day, I mean baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack in the day. In their May 13th, 1955 issue they had a little list that they ran entitled, "The Good Wife's Guide". When I read it, I was reminded of how drastically the ideas of Home, Wife, Family, and Husband have changed. I'm gonna post at least one of these things per week and I want you guys; especially the women, to tell me what you honestly think.

Prepare Yourself- Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work weary people.

Ya know, I don't think enough women today wear ribbons in their hair. 1955 was truly a simpler time. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Things I'm Gonna Do Different #3

I was in a six year relationship that recently ended. I have decided that I am gonna do something different, if and when, I decide to get in another relationship. The reasoning is that if I do something different, then the outcome will be different. I made a list of 10.

#3. Sweetie Cakes- I never going to stop treating her like she is my Sweetie Cakes. The nickname will help me remember what she means to me. It kinda makes me think of sexy & sweet. I'll never stop talking to her like she is my Sweetie Cakes. I'll do things with her that I'd only do with/for my Sweetie Cakes. I'll share chores around the house. We'll work together in relation to future goals and accomplishments. I'll do things just to make her feel loved, especially when she might be feeling down. I'll take more pride in the way that I look and act, for her; but I'll never let outside things have more of a importance than what I feel inside my heart

This one pointed out so many things that I did wrong. I was horrible when it came to chores, I always looked at her bad days as moments for analysis instead of times for care and comfort, and never thought much about my appearance in relation to her. I'm gonna try and see if it helps. It couldn't hurt. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Naked Blogging

A very good friend of mine brought this suggestion my way, so I decided to give it a go. As I type this, I am sitting here naked. It is a little odd. Mainly, because I had no idea how uncomfortable this chair is when it is just your bare butt against it. I must have eaten some cookies or something on here also because I can feel the crumbs under my tuckus. I must say that this is not the liberating experience that I thought it would be. Right now, all can think is, "What if there is some kind of technology that can allow my webcam to instantly come on and broadcast to some remote site?" or "What if someone can see me right now through it?" The paranoia is getting the best of me. This is nothing at all like hands-free peeing. I cannot type what I just did. NO, NOT THAT!!! SICKO!!!I'm in a spinning computer chair and tried spinning very fast to try and get the propeller thing happening. Didn't work. Well, at least I gave it the old college try. Naked blogging is not all that it is cracked up to be. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?


Just because the weather is breaking, doesn't mean we don't have to be careful. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

Built For This

The mental health profession is a pretty tough and thankless job; but every now and then we get a glimpse of appreciativeness and it feels good.
Recently, I was assigned to council a student that almost everyone had threw their hands up with and given up on. I understood why, because this particular kid had more issues that a year long subscription to a bi-weekly magazine. The student and I were working well until the challenging became too uncomfortable for the student and they decided to cut and run. In the students attempts to remove our counseling sessions, the went home and their parents that I had suggested that dropping out of school was the best option and success wasn't in the future. Being a master of manipulation, the parents believe the untrue story and were very upset with me. They scheduled a meeting. It was myself, a principal, a guidance counselor, the parents, and the student. Tension ran thick in the room. Once talk of the students future, what I actually said, and the problems at home were brought up; everything spun out of control. Profanity was flying, people were jumping up out of their chairs, and threats of violence littered the room. It was a this time that everything seemed to slow down for me. It was just like pro athletes say when the game slows down for them and they feel in complete control. It was like I could see all of their pain and pin point exactly were it was coming from. In between out burst I interjected enough to make the next outburst less violent and explosive; until eventually we talking to each other in stead of screaming. Then they eventually stopped talking and started listening. Then they started crying; and the door was cracked enough for them to remember each other and what a family is supposed like, act, and feel like. I didn't heal them or cure the families ailments in a hour and a half, but I did my job. I lead a stubborn, obstinate, legless, EXTREMELY thirsty horse to water. It isn't my job to make him drink.
At my job I take a lot of flack from people who say I'm never there (In actually I'm all over the building everyday I'm scheduled to be), I never call the kids down when they want me to (I see my kids an average of once a week unless the is a legitimate crisis), I'm not available to enough kids (believe it or not, some kids grow up in a healthy home), and my favorite; I'm too nice to the kids and I try to be their friends. (Only idiots with no real grasp of counseling, human development or the human condition would say or believe this) Despite all my detractors, and distractions; I know I'm built for this. I know that no one on earth can do my job better than me, and I make a difference whether I see it immediately or not. So for those who want to critique my job and the specifics of what it actually is I do all day; know this, negativity doesn't exist for me. Only Positivity and Motivation lives in my mind. I ain't mad at you. Sometimes criticism is the only way a desperate person can attach themselves or feel a part of something special; but that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?
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