Monday, January 12, 2009


This is something that I've kicked around in my head for a awhile and i wasn't 100% sure about it. I've often pondered whether or not greed is a phenomenon found in nature or is it just in the nature of mankind? Are there instances or examples of animals or insects exhibiting this behavior? I think it would be easier to understand if I just knew that it was a part of all life, not just us. I think it is a large piece of what I believe holds us back as human beings. We do show some glimpses of a pack mentality, but not the glimpses where we sacrifice and do what is best for the pack; but the glimpses where we leave the weak to deal with things on their own. We often try to chalk that up to, "Survival Of The Fittest". I think it's just a by-product of greed. Our greed isn't even based in self-preservation. I think as humans are instincts have shifted from self-preservation to self-advancement. We hoard money, food, land, and even time. I'm not sure if we all understand, but there is enough for everyone. It is a hard concept to grasp, but THERE IS ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE. Trust me. I ask you all that are reading this to try and see if you can observe instances in nature that show greed. If you can't, accept that it is a man-made condition. If you accept that it is a man-made condition, do what you can to reverse it. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

1 comment:

G Edward Lee said...

If we look at our primate cousins we can observe the same behavior. They have a pecking order for mostly everything in their social structure. For instances, the dominant male will always eat first. However, he will only eat what he needs. Evolution has taken us to a twenty-first century social structures which allow the dominant figures to get his fill, and still hoards what he can regardless if it gets eaten or not.
Whether this is innate or a self taught corruption of the balance between self preservation and greed is anyone guess.

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