Saturday, April 4, 2009

Things I'm Gonna Do Different #5

I was in a six year relationship that recently ended. I have decided that I am gonna do something different, if and when, I decide to get in another relationship. The reasoning is that if I do something different, then the outcome will be different. I made a list of 10.

#5. Help- Look to each other for help. I won't let my problems or concerns get out of hand and push me into an opposite direction. I will lean on and rely on my woman, her loyalty, and her support; to get me through anything: sickness, health, poverty, wealth, repossessed cars, shut-off electric, baby mama drama, or whatever comes our way. I must remember that we are in this together.

This will be the hardest. It's proven to be in the past. But that's just my opinion though, and who the hell am I?

1 comment:

stella said...

Theres an old saying: PRIDE comes before a fall.

Whether in a relationship or not, you will find that when a person falls it will always have something to do with PRIDE.

I've learned..never let your PRIDE get so big that it overtakes you asking for help.

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